Sunday, January 4, 2015

New Year's Resolutions - 2015

One of the most important things I learned when I was in graduate school for my doctorate was how to set reasonable goals. It is very easy to beat yourself up when you perceive yourself to be less capable, competent, or talented as someone else.

The truth is everyone is engaging in the "I was up alllll night working on ..." or "My work is sooooo great" game of one-upmanship.

One thing that people do is set themselves up for failure. By not setting reasonable goals, they say, "Look, I've failed again." This feeds into Imposter Syndrome: if you never reach your goals, of course you're a fraud.

My (hopefully) reasonable goals for 2015 are as follows:

  1. Knit at least two patterns from books I already own using yarn I've already purchased.
  2. Lose weight and maintain that weight at 159 pounds or less by next year.
  3. Exercise at least two days per week.
  4. Decide whether or not to pursue a technical writing certificate concurrently with my MFA.
  5. Submit to at least three literary journals by the end of the spring semester.
  6. Plan a trip around the world.
  1. Continue improving my editing skills and knowledge of AP Style.
  2. Improve workflow processes.
  3. Find more opportunities for professional development.
  4. Be the best mentor I can be.
  5. Figure out how to keep my job while taking a trip around the world.
  1. Apply for graduate school scholarships in January.
  2. Apply for the staff scholarship in August.
  3. Maintain a 3.5 GPA.
  4. Figure out how to maintain my staff tuition discounts while traveling the world.

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